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篇名 新加坡閩南籍道士研究:道士行業圈的源流以及其與社群之關係
卷期 154
並列篇名 A Study of Minnan Taoist Priests in Singapore: Their Professional Networks and Links to Local Communities
作者 許思偉
頁次 023-076
關鍵字 新加坡閩南道士社群關係SingaporeMinnanTaoist priestCommunitiesRelationshipsTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612




Early Singapore was made up of Chinese immigrants from different
sub-ethnic groups who possessed a wide range of traditional customs
and practices. Despite urbanization, many members of Singapore’s ethnic
Chinese community still believe in Taoism. As a result, Taoist priests, as
“ritual specialists”, are indispensable for the performance of rites like the
consecration of temples and other communal sacrifices. Taoist priests from
Singapore’s Minnan (Hokkien) sub-ethnic group constitute this nation’s
largest and most diverse community of Taoist specialists.
This study aims to explore the internal composition of Minnan Taoist
networks, paying particular attention to different schools and lineages, as
well as their historical development. It also intends to highlight the internal
structures of these networks, as well as their external relationships with the
Minnan Chinese community. To gather first hand information, the paper utilizes
data collected during field research to present case studies of three
Taoist altars--the Hunyuan daotan, Gaoji daotan and Baoying fatan--and
their priests. In addition, the paper will also examine the lineages and manuscripts
of leading Taoist schools in Singapore. A detailed discussion of the
Sanyuan School will argue that this school, which is unique to this part of
the world, belongs to the Fazhugong branch of the Lüshan School. In short,
this study will illustrate the close relationship between Singapore’s Minnan Taoists priests and Minnan Chinese communities, as well as highlight the
changing nature of this relationship over time.
