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篇名 城市生理學與雜吧地的「下體」特徵:以近代北京天橋為例
卷期 154
並列篇名 Urban Physiology and the
作者 岳永逸
頁次 201-252
關鍵字 空間城市生理學雜吧地下體地方感覺結構天橋邊緣化SpaceUrban physiologyZabadiPrivate partsSky bridgeTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612




In modern China, most metropolises contained areas where people of all walks of life would mix together. Such places were usually referred to as “zabadi” (literally “motley areas”). In China’s venerable capital of Beijing, the relationship between the inner city (neicheng) and outer city (waicheng) was conceived of in terms of urban physiology as resembling the upper and lower parts of the human body. Such a metaphor finds clear expression in the centrally located area between the Forbidden City and the Sky Bridge (Tianqiao) district, both of which lie along Beijing’s meridian. During the modern era, a relationship of mutual growth and reflection shaped the historical development of these two areas and their residents. This paper describes the formation of the spatial characteristics of Beijing’s Sky Bridge district, using interrelated action performances and standards of language to explore how its residents’ feelings of structure have emerged. In addition, it adopts a methodological point of view to interpret the meaning and value of zabadi, which is expressed in indigenous terms for private parts (literally “xiati” or lower body) that portray modern Chinese urban space from a physiological view expressed by its heterogeneous inhabitants.
