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篇名 影響文創品情感設計價值之因素分析-以手作皮件為例
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Analysis of factors affecting the emotional design value of cultural and creative products-evidence on handmade leather goods
作者 袁子傑袁淑芳郭東昇
頁次 180-187
關鍵字 文創品情感設計價值感性程度Cultural and creative productsEmotional design valueSensibility
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202403_13(1).0014




This research aimed to investigate the factors that affect the emotional design value of cultural and creative products, focusing on handmade leather goods as experimental samples. Four key components of emotional design are included to be examined, namely pleasure, aesthetics, design, and functionality. Furthermore, we explored whether the degree of consumer sensibility had a noteworthy influence. Finally, it also examined the impact of the demographic variables. 169 valid questionnaires were analyzed and the findings revealed that: (1) In addition to pleasure, aesthetics, and design, consumers still have a high preference for functionality, and preferences are revealed for different products. (2) The degree of sensibility and the emotional design value are significantly positively related. (3) Female have a higher degree of sensibility, and there are significant preference differences between gender and purchase experience for the emotional design value of cultural and creative products
