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篇名 ChatGPT可以成為可靠的談判代表嗎?
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Can ChatGPT Serve as a Reliable Negotiation Representative?
作者 張良政
頁次 171-179
關鍵字 談判ChatGPT人工智慧智慧代理人NegotiationChatGPTArtificial IntelligenceIntelligent Agents
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202403_13(1).0013




Negotiation is an aspect of life and work one is bound to encounter. Accumulating negotiation experience traditionally requires extensive training or practical experience, yet newcomers to the workforce often find themselves compelled to engage in negotiations without adequate training. This study employs ChatGPT to design a negotiation bot, allowing users to practice and accumulate negotiation experience through interactions with the bot. Subsequently, the study arranges three experimental groups using the negotiation bot. The results indicate that human-to-human negotiations require the most attempts, yet the consensus differences between parties are smaller; machine-to-machine variability is significantly high, necessitating cautious use of artificial intelligence negotiation agents; human-to-machine interactions can exploit strategies and deception to make ChatGPT concede, gaining an advantage in negotiations. Current artificial intelligence lacks sufficient understanding of human stratagems in interpersonal interactions. The findings of this study can provide insights for future design and use of AI negotiation agents.
