
數位學習科技期刊 TSSCI

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篇名 VIP視障數位學習平臺之研發與成效評估:以嘸蝦米輸入法線上課程為例
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Development and Evaluation of the VIP E-Learning Platform and its Online Courseware: Using Boshiamy Input Method Course as an Example
作者 王建立楊叔卿黃勤偉林怡瑄
頁次 077-109
關鍵字 中文輸入視障學生無障礙網頁線上學習嘸蝦米輸入法Chinese literacyvisually impaired studentsaccessibility websiteonline learningboshiamy input methodTSSCI
出刊日期 201901
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2019011101004


在二十一世紀資訊時代,線上學習已逐漸成為人們普遍的學習模式,然而,目前由於大多數網頁設計欠缺無障礙設計的考量,導致視障者無法與一般人一樣享有平等線上學習的機會。為解決此問題,本研究過程區分為兩階段施行。第一階段,依據全球最新「Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0無障礙網頁開發規範」,訪談視障者之需求及進行使用者需求分析,開發完成無障礙線上學習系統(VIP視障數位學習平臺),接著再針對視障學生的學習需求,設計嘸蝦米輸入法教材導入線上學習;第二階段,為進一步探討本系統之實際學習成效,由一組國小五年級先天盲學生及其家長為實驗對象,進行為期5週的線上學習,經由觀察、訪談與系統歷程紀錄等方式蒐集研究資料,透過多重資料交錯比對後,分別從視障學生及其家長兩面向進行成果分析。研究結果顯示:一、視障學生透過本系統學習,對中文識字與輸入之技能可獲得良好的學習成效,雖然在學習初期遭遇了一些瓶頸,但到了學習後期已逐漸能獨立進行線上自主學習;二、家長在進行線上學習初期,需花較大的心力調適對視障學生的學習支持,但當視障學生已具備足夠的自我線上學習能力後,其負擔逐漸降低,從初期的協助教學者逐漸轉變為在旁支持的角色。根據本研究結果,未來將持續增加教學課程,並推廣本系統給予更多的視障學生學習,期能藉著網路數位科技之設計應用達到平權學習,使更多視障學生受益。


The 21st century is an age of information. Although e-learning has been globally regarded as a common learning mode, the visually impaired cannot enjoy the equal access to online learning. To solve this problem, we have made a great effort in two phases. In the phase one, we conducted needs analysis and in-depth interviews with the target users and then developed an online learning system, called Visually Impaired People E-learning Platform (VIP), under the guidelines of WCAG 2.0. To improve learning and teaching effectiveness of the VIP system, we designed an e-Boshiamy courseware to meet the actual needs of the visually impaired learner onto VIP. After robustness Web Accessibility Testing and expert evaluation, the results showed VIP is a user friendly, WCAG 2.0 oriented online learning platform for Taiwanese visually impaired. In the phase two, we intended to evaluate the system feasibility by conducting an experiment on a congenital visually impaired 5th grader and her parents for five weeks. Through observations, in-depth interviews, and log data analysis, the results showed as follows: (1) The congenital visually impaired student develops initial concept of Chinese character recognition and input skills using VIP and e-Boshiamy curriculum. Although the learner relied heavily on her parents in the very beginning of online learning, she could gradually develop self-directed online learning independently. (2) Initially the parents had to put great efforts to support the visually impaired student to learn online. However, after the visually impaired student developed enough self-directed learning competency, the parents’ accompanying workload had been greatly reduced and their role of parents shifted from instructors to coaches as well. According to the results of this study, we plan to promote the VIP platform and the online learning in the hope to benefit more visually impaired people in the near future.
