
數位學習科技期刊 TSSCI

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篇名 數位圖畫書的圖文比例對學生創造力影響之研究
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 A Study on the Effects of Picture to Text Ratio of Digital Picture Books on Students’ Creativity
作者 黃思華吳佳娣楊旻錦劉遠楨
頁次 023-049
關鍵字 共識評量技術陶倫斯測驗量表創造力圖文比例數位圖畫書consensual assessment technique Torrance tests of creative thinking creativitypicture to text ratiodigital picture booksTSSCI
出刊日期 201901
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2019011101002




This study designs three digital picture books with a different picture to text ratios, and examines whether teaching with the digital picture books affects students’ creativity. Research subjects are 83 fourth graders in an elementary school in New Taipei City. The students are divided into a “picture book group”: 33 students read the digital picture book with a 100% picture to text ratio; “bridging group”: 22 students read the digital picture book with 70% picture to text ratio; “standard group”: 28 students read the picture book with 50% picture to text ratio. After a six–week teaching experiment, picture book reading and teaching activities on the learning form are arranged each week. Pretest and post–test of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking are administered before and after the experiment. Volunteers are requested after the course ends for a semi–structured interview. Nine experts were invited to use the consensual assessment technique for the learning form after each picture book reading. Research results found that students in the “picture book group” had better creativity and art and humanities creativity. Future studies on reading are recommended to improve the presentation of pictures in the digital picture book, as it may have a positive effect on students’ creativity.
