
數位學習科技期刊 TSSCI

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篇名 大型英語教學網站設計及使用者偏好分析
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 Compiling a Comprehensive Website for English Teaching and Learning and Analyzing User Preference
作者 楊定瑜劉貞妤劉玉涵郭屹恩蔡宜庭
頁次 081-107
關鍵字 中小學生使用者偏好分析英文學習平臺elementary and junior high studentsuser preference analysisEnglish learning platformTSSCI
出刊日期 201710
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2017100904004


隨著世界各國間的交流愈加頻繁,英文已然成為國際間最為通用的語言之一, 英文能力也成為學生增加國際競爭力的基礎要件之一,然而,臺灣學生的英語能力 仍有相當大的進步空間,且英文能力的培養也應向下扎根,從中低年齡層的學生開 始培養其英文基礎。因此,為增進臺灣中小學生之英語能力,本研究建置了包含多 項課內外英文學習資源之Cool English英文線上學習平臺,透過結合教育性及娛樂 性的活動與遊戲來激起學生對英文之學習動機與興趣,進而提升其英文水平。同 時,本研究亦針對平臺之使用者數據進行分析,以探究學生與教師使用者於本平臺 之使用情形及偏好,同時了解平臺未來改善方向,以更符合使用者之需求,進而輔 助增進臺灣中小學生之英語能力。分析結果顯示,無論是學生或是教師都較偏好使 用影片動畫與遊戲進行英語教學,而分析平臺的使用情形後也發現,使用者較著重 於英文聽、讀技能之培養,對於英語說、寫技能則較不重視。本研究透過分析使用 者行為了解使用者對於不同學習方式之偏好,並藉此資訊加以改善平臺之功能與內 容,以更符合使用者之需求,達到增進臺灣中小學生英語能力之目標。


With the increasing connections across countries in the world, English has become the most common language. Hence, developing English proficiency is one of the essential requirement for the students in Taiwan to join the global society. However, students in Taiwan still need great improvement on their English proficiency and it is especially important to start promoting the learning of English from young learners. Thus, to improve young learners’ English proficiency in Taiwan, this study has built a comprehensive online platform for English teaching and learning especially for junior high and elementary school students. The design of this platform is to motivate students to learn English through a variety of educational and interesting activities, animations and games. Also, to better the service and the design of this learning platform, this study further explores the user preference based on the data collected from the student users and teacher users of this platform. The result shows that both students and teachers tend to use more videos, animations and games to facilitate English learning and teaching. In addition, it is also found that users focus more on training the receptive language skills, such as listening and reading, and less on the productive skills of speaking and writing. The fi nding reveals user preference, and this study thus can base on the fi nding and further improve the learning platform to better cater the user and to help improve the English profi ciency of the students in Taiwan.
