
數位學習科技期刊 TSSCI

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篇名 Adopting Electronic Annotations in Online Collaborative Reading Activities of Taiwanese Elementary-Aged Learners of English
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 臺灣國小英語學習者在線上合作閱讀活動使用數位註記之研究
作者 余立棠
頁次 035-079
關鍵字 collaborative readingelementary school studentsonline annotationssecond language合作閱讀國小學童線上註記第二語言TSSCI
出刊日期 201710
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2017100904003




Advances in computer technology have transformed annotations from paper-based to digital forms, allowing readers to take electronic notes for interaction and collaboration with other readers. However, little research has been conducted to explore how secondlanguage learners of English, especially elementary-aged students, perform online collaborative reading activities that involve electronic annotations. Thus, the present study examines two classes of fifth graders (N = 54) that were assigned to either an individual-annotation group as a control group or a collaborative-annotation group as an experimental group. A mixed method was used to analyze the content of the students’ electronic annotations, perceptions of usefulness and enjoyment of using annotation for reading activities, and responses to text-based recall interviews about their reading processes. The findings show that both annotation groups used annotations to perform various functions that fell into nine types. Additionally, the collaborative-annotation group appreciated annotation-making significantly more than the individual-annotation group, regardless of the similar perceptions both groups expressed about the usefulness of making annotations. Both groups provided varied responses about the advantages and disadvantages of annotation-making and why they made annotations or not. Particularly the collaborative-annotation students expressed their reasons to respond to peers or not. Possible factors impacting the willingness to make annotations were considered, such as student readiness for such tasks, the type of reading texts, and student preferences for and perceptions of using technology tools. Implications for the use of annotations are discussed, with recommendations for adequate training in using electronic annotation tools and note-taking strategies, as well as an emphasis on group dynamics among students when they engage in collaborative reading activities.
