
數位學習科技期刊 TSSCI

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篇名 透過同儕回應寫作環境培養國小學生的讀者意識
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 Cultivating Primary Students’ Audience Awareness in Peer Response Writing Environment
作者 廖長彥陳秉成張菀真陳德懷
頁次 025-051
關鍵字 同儕回應自我修改線上寫作讀者意識peer responseself-revisingonline writingaudience awarenessTSSCI
出刊日期 201710
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2017100904002




Primary students usually can’t attend to the informational needs of their readers because they may lack audience-awareness in writing. The purpose of this study is to improve elementary school students’ audience awareness through providing feedback for their writing products by real readers in online peer response writing environment. Hence, this study adopted peer response activity in students’ writing process to help them aware the existing of the readers and reinforce audience-awareness. The participants were 110 fourth grade students assigned to peer-response group and independent-writing group. Two groups produced their drafts by “reading for creating” activity, but revised their drafts by different methods, respectively “talking for revising” and “self-revising.” An audience awareness test was used as a pretest and posttest to evaluate the effect of peerresponse on students’ audience awareness. Through the questionnaire to compare the two groups in the difference of audience awareness. Furthermore, 12 students participated in an interview in a simulated writing process. The results indicated that signifi cant effects on audience-awareness were found in favor of the peer-response group. In contrast to the independent-writing group, peer-response group students could regard not only their teacher but also other students as their audiences. Besides, peer-response activity facilitates peer-response group students to revise their articles from the role of the reader in the writing process. By providing opportunities for students to face real audiences and receive word-base feedback, it helps students fi nd out various new reader perspectives. In the process, students revised their writing products based on virtual readers, their need, rather than real readers, their classmates. Overall, the writing environment and the activity “talking for revising” promote students develop audiences’ awareness in comparison with the self-writing model.
