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篇名 臺灣2D 動畫長片角色的多元風格探析
卷期 28
並列篇名 Exploring the variety of character designs in 2D animated films in Taiwan
作者 陳冠霖Chen Kuan-Lin
頁次 053-079
關鍵字 臺灣動畫迪士尼日本動畫角色造型藝術風格Taiwanese animationDisney animationJapanese animationcharacter designanimation styles
出刊日期 201704




The style of animated film characters in Taiwan has long been influenced by the Japanese and the Disney animations. After investigating the features of the animated characters in Japan and Disney animations, this study revealed the variety and multi-faceted potential of character design in Taiwan. The Disney characters have the following features, including (1) adorability to all age groups, (2) coexistence of realism and exaggeration, and (3) strong connection between the character design and the personality setting. On the other hand, (1) various character designs, (2) unique comic-style faces, and (3) copious decorative lines and accessories are often recognized as features of Japanese animation style. The author summarizes two patterns of character design in Taiwan:One is the imitation of the above six features, and the other is the fusion of these features with the local elements of Taiwan. The author expects that the proposed patterns could serve as a modest spur inspiring more character artists to come forward with his valuable contributions.
