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篇名 探討特別檢查困難性質之研究-以某空軍為例
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Explore the Obstruction Properties of Special Inspections - An Example of Air Force
作者 李明昌陳品璋呂紹嘉
頁次 246-254
關鍵字 器材籌補妥善率SWOT羅吉斯回歸分析
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).19


飛機妥善率是影響我國軍作戰能力的成敗關鍵,仍繫於後勤整備的完善與否。 對於本空軍而言,後勤管理的指標在於飛機妥善率,主要的重點在於如何整合各項 後勤資源達成戰備支援之最佳化,發揮機隊最大可用效能。 本研究以邏輯式回歸法進行現況分析及藉由SWOT 分析探討特別檢查之增減決 策,根據相關文獻的探討進行歸納分析,以及專家問卷設計與調查確認影響機隊妥 善的關鍵因素後,根據上述困難因素發展出問卷,先對於發展出的問卷進行預試, 以確認量表的信度及效度,屆時修訂修護作業與備料籌補程序為本次研究之主要範 圍,蒐整現行機隊管理規定與修護管制人員作業模式,作為機隊妥善率維持系統動 態模型建構之基礎。 修護管制人員必須積極執行器材採購前置期程限制已有效提高撥補率,並加強 補給人員訓練,始能長期有效維持機隊妥善並充分支援飛行訓練任務之達成。


Aircraft proper rate is affecting military combat capability key to the success of our country, still tied to the logistical preparedness of perfect or not. For the purposes of this air force, logistics management indicators that the aircraft properly rate, the main focus is how to integrate the logistical resources to achieve optimum support of combat readiness, the play maximum available fleet efficiency. In this study, a logical formula regression analysis and discussion were the status of special inspection of changes in decision-making, summarized and analyzed in accordance with the relevant literature to explore, as well as experts in questionnaire design and after investigation confirmed the key factors affect the fleet by proper SWOT analysis, according to the Difficulties developed a questionnaire, first developed a questionnaire for pre-test to confirm the reliability and validity of the scales, then revised repair jobs and raise the patch preparation main areas of research based views, search the entire existing fleet Regulations and repair work mode control personnel, as fleet-based system to maintain proper rate of construction of the dynamic model.Maintenance personnel must actively implementing regulation equipment procurement lead time has been effective in restricting the rate of increase will be subsidized, and strengthen supply personnel training, before they can effectively maintain the long-term fleet properly and fully support the fulfillment of flight training mission.

