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篇名 結合臉書的系友追蹤系統
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Alumni Mobile System Integrating facebook
作者 葉期財
頁次 159-170
關鍵字 社群網路服務壓力測試網頁技術行動運算非同步的JavaScript 與 XML 技術Social Network ServiceStress testWeb technologyMobile Computing, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).12




Social network services are one of the most popular of Internet applications in recent years and the mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets make people access Internet easier than before. They have brought new opportunities for the social platform of the universities and their alumni that live with technology and networked communications. This paper proposes a mobile application with integrating the public social network service, facebook (FB), and the university's alumni. When the users use this APP to contact the alumni, they know their latest status from facebook. In addition, the APP adopts web technology that allows users to use it in any devices such as Google Android or Apple iPhone. Finally, we utilize stress test to verify the throughput and response time of this APP.

