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篇名 低本益比選股策略之投資績效評估
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 The Performance of Applying Low P/E Ratio Investment Strategy on TWSE Firms
作者 林佳靜蘇郁升
頁次 138-158
關鍵字 本益比公司規模淨值市價比持股期間風險貼水P/E ratiosizeB/P ratioholding periodrisk premium
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6285/MIC.4(2).11




This research adopts the value investing strategy introduced by Graham (1973) to construct portfolios by selecting stocks with low P/E ratio, comprehensively considering scale effects and B/P ratio, and matching with holding period and risk premium. Further, this research looks for optimal portfolio, duration and risk premium through empirical analysis. The distinctive feature of this research, rather than just discuss the effect of individual index on return, is to adopt the low P/E ratio strategy first, and followed by other picking indices to form multidimensional investing strategies to determine the optimal strategy. The research shows that strategy (3) low P/E ratio + exclusive of large-scale companies + exclusive of low B/P ratio may yield better return on investment. In respect of holding period, the duration of half-year yields the best performance, while portfolio with low risk premium stocks may achieve better return if risk premium is considered.

