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篇名 開架式化妝品包裝意象對消費者行為影響之研究
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 The Open Frame Cosmetic Packaging Imagery Impact to the Consumer Behavior
作者 譚彩鳳陳力瑄
頁次 193-199
關鍵字 開架式化妝品包裝設計意象消費者行為open-shelfcosmeticspackaging designimageconsumer behavior
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6285/MIC.2(2).14


愛美是女人的天性,而化妝品可以幫助女人完成美麗的夢想,目前台灣化妝品市場的活絡與潛カ,和女人愛美的程度成正比。政府推動化妝品產業發展,顯現化妝品相關產業深厚的發展潛力。開架式化妝品包裝意象對消費者行為影響之研究,有助於瞭解化妝品市場現況與包裝設計運用。本研究對象為經國管理學院美設系學生,以問卷方式做調査,總共發放120份問卷,有效回受問卷100份。所得之資料經由Excel軟體進行統 計分析及圓餅圖和長條圖比例呈現分析結果,有88%的消費者在購買開架式化妝品會注意到化妝品的包裝設計、53%認為化妝品包裝的材質質感是購買化妝品主要因素,83% 認為包裝設計可以提高化妝品價值感。分析的結果用以探討消費者行為、包裝意象、認知偏好與購買意圖之相關影響因素,提供未來開架式化妝品包裝設計的參考。


Beauty is woman's nature, and cosmetics can help a woman to complete a beautiful dream, active and potential of the cosmetics market in Taiwan, and the beauty of the woman are proportional to the degree. Government promotes the development of the cosmetics industry, to show the strong potential for development of the cosmetics industry. Open frame cosmetic packaging imagery impact to the consumer behavior research, helps to understand the current situation and the use of packaging design of the cosmetics market. The subjects of this study by the Department of Cosmetology and fashion design, Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health set up student questionnaire survey, a total of 120 questionnaires were distributed, effective back by the 100 questionnaires.
The resulting data were analyzed by Excel software proportion of statistical analysis and a pie chart and a bar chart showing the results of the analysis, 88% of consumers buy open frame cosmetics will notice cosmetics packaging design, while 53% believe the cosmetic packaging material texture buy cosmetics major factor in 83% of the packaging design can improve the sense of cosmetic value. The results of the analysis used to investigate the behavior of consumers, packaging imagery, cognitive preferences and purchase intentions of influencing factors, provided reference to the open frame cosmetics packaging design.
