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篇名 應用層級分析法探討期貨日內交易決策因子之研究─以台指期貨為例
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Research on Factors of Decision Making for Intra-day Trading of Futures Using Analysis Hierarchy Process - An Example of Taiwan Stock Indexes
作者 吳振鋒陳品璋傅宇亨藍毓華
頁次 138-150
關鍵字 期貨當日沖銷日內交易層級分析法Futureswhen redintra-day tradinganalysis hierarchy process
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6285/MIC.2(2).11




Futures are with the highest volume of transaction in Taiwan financial markets. It is the most important issue for all investors to think about how to analyze the impact of various messages flooded in the markets on the futures price and then to make investment decisions. It is necessary for the investors to spend lots of time and efforts to delve into the answers so that the investors can reduce risks and get benefits.
The purposes of this study are to develop the assessment indicators oi impact factors for futures investments under the condition of intra-day trading. The researcher generalized some related factors and weights through analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Then the researcher found the important weights of indicative factors. Based on these important weights to analyze four categories of invest strategies. According to the analyses, the first strategy is the most appropriate one. Finally, this research not only provides an objective and effective selection criteria but also the fairest advice for the futures investors to help the investors accumulate their wealth.
