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篇名 Live House在臺灣北部地區之發展現況--以「西門紅樓河岸留言」為例
卷期 19
並列篇名 The Development Sttuation of Live House in Taiwan: An Example from
作者 陳巧歆
頁次 233-253
關鍵字 獨立音樂地下音樂民謠紅樓Live houseIndie musicUnderground musicFolk songRed building
出刊日期 201210


自臺灣的民歌時期,從「唱自己的歌」一直到地下樂團慢慢浮上檯面,甚至獲得金曲獎肯定,臺灣音樂創作者及樂團的發展逐漸成熟。然而,臺灣獨立音樂的發展著實存在著脈絡性與結構性的困境,眾多的問題仍窒礙了一般民眾不習慣接受「不一樣音樂」的發展。作者將深度剖析在自我意識創作成型情勢下,以「西門紅樓河岸留言」為例,探討獨立音樂在臺灣發展所遇到的困境,並且在商業機制的投入下,對此生態所造成影響的限制或者輔佐的相互作用與關係。本研究以獨立音樂為主軸,藉由相關文獻的爬梳,逐步化約臺灣獨立音樂發展的縮影。研究結果發現,Live House展演場地如「女巫店」、「這牆The Wall」、「地下社會」、「地下絲絨」等的興起,說明了臺灣音樂展演活動的發展歷程,音樂展演活動儼然成為音樂界中的新興產業,並持續朝向多元及創意並重的方向擴展著。


Indie music is the main idea of this article. Through the literature review, the study makes an epitome of the development of Taiwan's indie music gradually. It analysis the interpretation of the terms in different period of indie music background in Taiwan, and the relationship between metropolis life structure and indie music, yet the subject autonomy of indie music under the influenced of business operation.Since the period of Taiwan Folk Songs, the development of indie music has been more and more received the affirmation from public society these years. At the same time, it has gradually founded the base stone in the creation concept of self-awareness or the voice of local culture. However, the development of indie music in Taiwan is still full of the difficulty with contextual and structural dilemma. This study analysis the developed relationship between the influenced under commercial mechanisms and the self-consciousness writings under music essence.The past researches on indie music performing spaces typically focused on the analysis of music festival, less in-depth talk about the link between the city lifestyle and live house performing spaces. Thus, the discussion in the study is centre on the self-awareness of indie music with the connect ion between cultural city lifestyle and business industry.From the viewpoint, this study try to examine the unique role of Taiwan's indie music played in the frame of metropolis life society. Finally, the suitable interfering way of government suggestion will create a better environment for cultivating music. The study expects to provide the possible future directions and instruction for modification.
