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篇名 臺灣藝術展覽宣傳海報之意象研究以歷史博物館、臺北市立美術館、臺灣美術館為例
卷期 18
並列篇名 Image Research of Taiwan Art Exhibition Publicized Poster Use National Museum of History, Taipei Fine Art Museum and National Taiwan Museum as Example
作者 李秀如楊清田
頁次 063-086
關鍵字 藝術展覽宣傳海報藝術類別視覺意象Art exhibition publicized posterArtistic categoryVisual image
出刊日期 201204


本研究以國立歷史博物館、臺北市立美術館、國立臺灣美術館1984〜2008《藝術展覽宣傳 海報》為研究樣本。以《藝術展覽宣傳海報》之視覺意象為研究要項。以「問卷調査」、「語意 分析」等為主要研究方法,將眾多海報加以歸納分類,並就分類項目進行語意研究分析,以瞭 解一般觀看者對藝術展覽海報感覺之差異及其因子構面。研究結果《藝術展覽宣傳海報》意象 特徵有「美感性」、「設計性」、「理論性」等三個主成分,研究發現「美感性」因素對海報視覺 意象的負荷量最高。《藝術展覽宣傳海報》以書畫類最具「美感性」因素、「設計性」因素。西 畫類「設計性」因素、「理論性」因素的表現最強。ェ藝設計類海報的視覺意象最具「美感性」 與「理論性」因素。專業背景與年齡在意象語彙「活力一頹廢」、「大眾-個性」都具明顯的差 異性,另性別與專業背景則在意象語彙「簡潔-複雜」、「秩序一混亂」、「抽象一具象」同時出 現明顯的差異性。


The research used the art exhibition publicized posters of the National Museum of History, the Taipei Fine Art Museum and the National Taiwan Museum during 1984〜2008 as researching sample, the visual image of three hall’s posters as target, and “the questionnaire ”,“semantic differential (SD)” as main method, categorizing posters and performing statistical analysis. Base on the category attribute,conducting analysis to find out diversity and elements of general consumer’s perception to art exhibition poster. Through analysis, “Aesthetic attribute, Designed, Theoretical” three attribute are obtained. The result indicated that “Aesthetic attribute” has highest load in poster visual image. In the publicized poster, the calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting category is mainly in “Aesthetic” and “Designed”,the western painting category is “Theoretical” and “Designed”,and technological design category is “Aesthetic” and “Theoretical”. Professional background and age have significant difference in,“Vitality - Decadence”,“Public — Personal”,these image word, while gender and professional background are “Simple - Complex”,“Order - Chaos”,“Abstract - Figurative”.
