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篇名 農藥在環境中的命運
卷期 12:2
作者 洪亮吉李國欽
頁次 115-128
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199108


美國環境保護署對製造用(manufacturing-use)與成品用(end-use products)農藥登記,廠商需提供農藥在環境中命運的資料,包括農藥在環境的分解、代謝、移動、消退及累積。這些資料供環保署對下列三項做安全評估之用:(1)人體取食被農藥污染之農作物或施藥時直接曝露之危險性。(2)長效性農藥在環境中廣泛分佈,而經由食物鏈累積造成之危險性。(3)魚類、非目標生物與野生動物,暴露於農藥殘毒,經估計它在環境中的濃度對上述生物有不利影響。分解研究包括農藥的水解與它在水、土及空氣中的光分解;代謝研究包括農藥在好氣與壓氣的土壤與水生環境代謝;移動性研究包括農藥在土壤的淋出及實驗室與田間的揮發性;消退研究包括農藥在田間之陸地與水生環境消退情形;累積性研究包括農藥在限制環境與田間之輪作作物、灌溉作物、實驗室研究農藥在魚體內累積。


Environmental fate data requirements are needed by theAgency to support the registratioll of manufacturing-use andend-use products. Data consists of information developed fromstudies on pesticide degradation, metabolism, mobility, dissipation,and accumulation in the environment. The data generatedby the environmental fate studies described in the guidelinesare used by registration applicants and EPA to arrive at hazardassessments related to (1) direct exposure of man to pesticideresidues arising through ingestion of contaminated rotationalcrops, (2) indirect exposure to man as a result of widelydistributed and persistent pesticide residues in the environment,and (3) potential environmental exposure of organisms such asfish and wildlife to pesticide residues, which includes estimatesof expected environmental concentration of pesticides in specifichabitats where wildlife of concern are found. Degradation studiesinclude hydrolysis studies and photodegradation in water,on soil, and in air; metabolism studies include aerobic andanaerobic soil metabolism and aerobic and anaerobic aquaticmetabolism studies. Mobilty studies include leaching studies (soílcolumn, soil TLC,old adsorption desorption), laboratary volatílity,andfield volatility studies; dissipation studies include fielddissipation studies for terrestial uses, aquatic uses, and aquaticimpact uses; accumulation studies include confined laborato,greenhouse, outdoor small plot C study, and field acumulationstudies on rotational crops, irrigated crops. laborat studies ofpesticide accumulation in fi, and field studies of aquatic nontargetorgamsms.

