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篇名 草霸王之特性及推廣
卷期 3:1
作者 林壽如
頁次 099-102
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 198202




Basagran is efficient to control perennial problem weeds and Cyperaceae in rice, and also be used in maize, peanuts, peas, dwarf beans, soybeans, sugarcane, sorghum and onions. Basagran is applied post-emergence to weeds with contact action. The active ingredient of Basagran is bentazon. Bentazon can be absorbed by the leaves and roots of the plants. In resistant plants, the absorbed bentazon is metabolized and converted to a conjugate of some natural plant component. while in suscepti ble ones 85-95 per cent of the absorbed bentazon is unchanged. Bentazon can inhibit photosynthesis in both species. However, almost complete recovery of photosynthesis is observed in rice at 5 days but no recovery occurred in susceptible plants. The difference between resistant and susceptible species in their ability to metabolize and detoxify bentazon appears to be the mechanism of bentazon selectivity. Basagran was proceeded for registration in 1975 as a special product for problem weed control. In late 1976. Basagran obtained registration on transplanted rice field, and approved for direct seeded rice field, rice seedling field in 1977. Basagran was also registrated by controlled-droplet application(CDA) method in 1980 in Taiwan .

