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篇名 草坪害蟲及其防治
卷期 12:1
作者 高穗生
頁次 087-093
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199102




Turfgrass is extensively grown throughout the whole island of Taiwan for home lawns, parks and golf courses in recent years and is attacked by a variety of insects. Insects damage turfgrass in many ways and at many stages. Some damage turfgrass by feeding or sucking sap from the roots and leaves. Others cause damages by burrowing in the soil and cutting the roots. Some may transmit the causal agents of turfgrass diseases. The major soil inhabiting insects in Taiwan are the grubs ( larvae of Anomala cupripes Hope and A. expansa Bates), crickets (Brachytrupes portentosus Lichtenstein) and mole crickets (Gryllotalpa africana Palisot de Beauvais). Surface feeding insects include tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera litura ( Fab.)), blaek cu tworm (Agrotis ypsilon Rottenberg). The presrnt review describes briefly the morphology, ecology and life history of the abovementioned key pests of turfgrass in Taiwan, ROC. And, the combination of naturally occuring biological control agents ( parasitoids, predators, pathogens, plant resistance), other approaches ( trapping crop, light trap, pheromone trap) and chemical control into a unified and corrdinated effort for integrated turfgass insects control scheme is also discussed .

