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篇名 臺灣的衛生服務研究分析, 1970-1995
卷期 17:6
並列篇名 Analysis of Studies on Health Services Research in Taiwan from 1970 to 1995
作者 劉嘉年
頁次 512-520
關鍵字 衛生服務研究Health services researchTSCI
出刊日期 199812


     本研究回溯台灣地區699篇於1970到1995年間完成的衛生服務研究,探討其範疇與發展趨勢,主要結果如下︰(1)研究數量逐年增加,近七成的研究論文於1990~1995年的六年間完成;(2)研究範疇中以「醫療機構」、「公共衛生計畫與基層醫療組織」研究為主;(3)調查研究法、與內容分析法及個案研究法是最受採用的研究型態;(4)75%的第一作者是大專院校系所的教師與研究生;(5)研究收案地區以北部較多(33.5%),針對東部與離島的研究較少(1.7%);(6)研究取向方面,1970年代以「衛生人力」、「公共衛生計畫與基層醫療組織」、「衛生服務需求與利用度」及「健康照護 的社會與行為面」研究最早出現,1980年起有關「醫療品質」、「醫療機構」、「藥事服務研究」、及「醫療費用、支付制度與財務」的研究才陸續發表,「衛生服務研究法」及「醫療科技」的研究則於1988年後受到重視。


     The objective of this study is to report the status and characteristics of studies on health services research in Taiwan from 1970 to 1995. A total of 699 health services research reports were identified and analyzed in terms of authors' background, area of research focus. The major results of the study indicate that: (1) Health services research in Taiwan has increased in recent years. About 70% of the papers were done between 1990 and 1995. (2) The major subjects of the studies were health facilities and health plans and organizations of primary care. (3) Survey, content analysis, and case study were the most frequency adopted methods in conducting health services research. (4) The first authors of 75% of the studies were public health professors and graduate students. (5) 33.5% of the studies were done in north Taiwan. Only 1.7% of the studies were done in east Taiwan and in the off-shore islands. (6) In the 1970's , the chief subjects of the studies were health manpower, health plans and organizatio ns of primary care, utilization of health services, and social-behavior aspects of health care. In the 1980's, the studies dealt with quality of health services, health facilities, pharmacy-related health services research, and costs and payment systems. The fields of research methods and medical technology were not developed until 1988.
