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篇名 蓋斑鬥魚防治登革熱病媒埃及斑蚊幼蟲潛力之研究
卷期 17:6
並列篇名 Laboratory Comparative Evaluation of Larvivorous Fishes as Dengue Fever Vecter Control Agents
作者 王正雄
頁次 458-467
關鍵字 食蚊魚蓋斑鬥魚大肚魚孔雀魚埃及斑蚊Larvivorous fishMacropodus opercularisGambusia affinisPoecilia reticulataAedes aegyptiTSCI
出刊日期 199812


     利用大肚魚(Gambusia affinis)、孔雀魚(Poecilia reticulata)防治病媒蚊幼蟲已有相當的歷史,但常受環境的影響而限制其應用。本研究比較此二種傳統食蚊魚及另一種本土蓋斑鬥魚(Macropodus opercularis)對埃及斑蚊(Aedes aegypti)幼蟲之捕食量及水域環境之適應性。蓋斑鬥魚(♀)對斑蚊四齡幼蟲平均捕食量為374.6隻∕日,相較於大肚魚(♀)44.0隻∕日、孔雀魚(♀)41.8隻∕日高出甚多。至於對水域環境之適應性,蓋斑鬥魚之耐飢半數存活期為80天;且水深只要淹沒鰓蓋,即可存活,具耐旱性;臨界致死高低溫分別為36℃及9 ℃;對自來水殘餘氯之半數致死濃度(L C50)為1.5ppm;對殺幼蟲劑之容忍性,以1ppm之濃度試驗五天,結果以色列品系蘇力菌(Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, BTI)、昆蟲生長調節劑(insect growth regulator, IGR)、亞培松(temephos商品名Abate)能完全存活,百滅寧(permethrin)存活率為40.0%,賽滅寧(cypermethrin)存活率 6.7%,陶斯松(chlorpyrifos)則悉數死亡 。與大肚魚、孔雀魚相較,蓋斑鬥魚具有極高的水域適應性,如釋放於飲水或澆菜水容器,以防治孳生其內之登革熱病媒埃及斑蚊具有極高之防治潛力。


     As mosquito larvae control agents, the predatory capacity of Gambusia affinis and Poecilia reticulata is limited. This study was designed to compare a Taiwan native larvivorous fish, Macropodus opercularis, with G. affinis and P. reticulata that have been used extensively in mosquito control in water bodies. Results revealed an outstanding predatory capacity of M. opercularis to the fourth instar larvae of Aedes aegypti and the greatest survival rate for this fish under harsh laboratory conditions. M. op ercularis consumed the mosquito larvae as many as 375/day, while G. affinis and P. reticulata consumed 44/day and 42/day, respectively. In the circumstance of no food supply, approximately 50% of M. opercularis would be able to remain alive for 80 days. This fish could survive for at least five days in a water body with the depth only enough to cover the fish gill; it could endure the water temperature at as low as 9℃ and as high as 36℃; it demonstrated and LC50 of chlorine in water at the level of 1.5 ppm; there were no fishes killed in five-day tolerance tests when the test concentrations of chemicals-temephos, Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, or the insect growth regulator-were set at 1.0 ppm. However, the mortality rates for the fishes were 60% when treated with 1.0 ppm of permethrin, 93% with cypermethrin and 100% with chlorpyrifos. In conclusion that M. opercularis can consume larvae eight time more than other kinds of fish can. It has the best potential to be used in breeding sites to contr ol dengue fever vectors.
