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篇名 臺南區域居家護理資源使用分析
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 The Utilization of Home Care Services in Taiwan Area
作者 葉莉莉溫敏杰徐畢卿
頁次 253-264
關鍵字 居家護理資源使用Home health care servicesUtilizationTSCI
出刊日期 199806




     The purpose of this retrospective study was to examine the utilization of home care services in Tainan area from 1989 to 1995-before National Health Insurance program executed. The study examines demographic and utilization data, including total number of home visits, duration of usage, reasons for termination, frequency of services, and nursing service provided. The data were analyzed with a SAS computer system. There were a total of 571 subjects and their average age was 67.7 years old. The two leadin g diagnoses were CVA (43%) and cancer (30.5%). Eighty-six percentage of these subjects had no insurance coverage. 65.3% of the subjects lived near Tainan city, and only 8.7 % of the subjects lived in rural areas. In 1994, only 15.1% of those who needed home health care in this area employed such services. The findings indicated that the consumption of home health care services varied with the diagnosis of the patient. In addition, the most common services provided were those related to urinary tract car e, nutritional care, wound care, and trachea care, etc. The results of this study can be used as a reference in policy making to integrate and allocate home health care services in Tainan. Further, the utilizing pattern can be used to refine NHI regulations.
