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篇名 健康促進:國民健康的新方向
卷期 13:5
作者 江東亮余玉眉
頁次 381-387
關鍵字 疾病轉型健康促進渥太華憲章Epidemiological transitionHealth promotionOttawa charterTSCI
出刊日期 199410


     臺灣地區已完成疾病轉型,進入非傳染性疾病時代。面臨非傳染性疾病的挑戰,先進國家自 1970 年代起即積極提倡健康促進以為均健之主要策略。由於缺乏政治意願,臺灣地區的健康促進運動發展緩慢,且偏重強調個人責任。因此,我們建議臺灣地區應以渥太華健康促進憲章為發展健康促進策略之指引。


     Taiwan has completed its epidemiologicaltransition and moved into an era of noninfectious diseases. Facing the challengeof non-infectious diseases industrialized countries have enthusiasticallyadvocatd health promotion as one of main strategies for attaining health for allsince the 1970s. Due to the lack of political will, taiwan has made slowprogress in health promotion movement. Besides, it has emphasized individaulresponsibility for health. We thus suggest that the Ottawa charter for healthpromotion be the guide for developing strategies for health promotion in Taiwan.
